On Sunday July 31st EL JAALA GROTTO hosted it’s 12th Annual “Jack Heinz Memorial Pig Roast” at the Lagrange Masonic Childrens Home. We had over 200 guests attend this years picnic. Special BIG THANKS to the following groups & people without your assistance or contribution the event would not have been so successful= Thanks to River Forest Austin Lodge for the bouncy house, Elmhurst Lodge for the water, MIB Lodge for the providing the fire trucks & taking the kids on the traditional ice cream run & all the folks who donated the funds to pay for it, Ravenswood Lodge for donating the roasted pig & pinata, The Daughters of Mokanna for donating the toys & prizes, Joy Lugo & Mary Lou Blythe & Tim Timothy Blythe for running the carnival games, Hinsdale Lodge for the carnival games, members of Widow Sons 357 Brotherhood for manning the grill & Popcorn & Snow cone machines. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves & I look forward to seeing everyone again at next years picnic.
1st July 4th Parade
On Monday July 4th EL JAALA GROTTO took part of the town of Des Plaines 4th of July parade event. This was the 1st time we participated in this event & it was a successful one. We were happy to be joined by the current Mighty Chosen One Grace Schermerhorn & along with two Past Mighty Chosen Ones Janette & Elizabeth Thompson. EL JAALA had it’s Color Guard & Clown Unit out in the parade & everyone truly enjoyed Prophet Cesar with all his interactions with the crowd. A Special thanks to all who came out & to our current Monarch Pineapple, Past Monarch’s Craig Stewart, Howard Schermerhorn, Charlie Dever & Prophets John G Nyman, & the members of the EL JAALA GROTTO Color Guard & Clown Unit EL JAALA THANKS YOU!!!
Tooth Brush Day @ The Taste Of Des Plaines
On June 18th EL JAALA GROTTO participated for the 1st time in our history in the annual Taste Of Des Plaines. We picked this event to conduct our Tooth Brush Day Event. The weather was great and so was the crowd. The Town of Des Plaines is where EL JAALA is based out of and the folks & the townships government was more than elated to see us out in support. We were more than happy to get out in the public and spread the Grotto word about our great charity the Humanitarian Foundation & our organization. Thanks to Prophet Timothy Blythe for enduring the heat with me & putting in the work in support of our Grotto.
2016 Installation Of Officers
On Sunday Jan 24th the members of EL JAALA GROTTO held their 69th Annual Installation of Officers at Medinah Temple. It was a bitter sweet occasion our Monarch elect Bro Richard Aka Pineapple was recovering from a serious car accident in the hospital so he was not able to attend, but the show must go on & the rest of the officers & lady’s & guest enjoyed a great ceremony & a great dinner. We were once again proud to have Past Grand Monarch David Rebmann conduct the installation of officers. We were also proud to initiate 6 new prophets into the enchanted realm.
On Dec 6th the Prophets of EL JAALA GROTTO & their ladies celebrated the holidays with some Latin Flare & style!! We were served up some great Puerto Rican food & drinks. Special Thanks to the staff @ Cafe Latino for making our evening a very enjoyable one. All in attendance had a great time. What better way to bring in the holidays!!
El Jaala’s Italian “Cooks’ Night Out”
Prophets, Ladies & Guests… ..
Enjoy a fantastic dinner with true friends!
Via Veneto
6340 N. Lincoln Ave
Chicago, Illinois
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Fellowship 4:30 pm
Dinner 5:00 pm
ONLY $24.95!
This dinner includes:
Your choice of Tilapia Lemon or Chicken Vesevio with pasta, salad, bread & butter, ice cream and coffee.
Other beverages not included – cash bar
RSVP by 11/9 via email to Tom Bachochin-Secretary at radioman160@gmail.com
or Send Check via mail by 11/5 to:
El Jaala Grotto
337 E. Fullerton Ave
Glendale Hts, IL 60139-2663
On October 9th the members of the Illinois State Grotto Association had their annual hospitality room. Where they hosted all the brethren attending the Grand Lodge session in Springfield,IL. At this session EL JAALA GROTTO initiated 13 New Prophets into the relm. On the following day during the Illinois State Grotto Association Luncheon our very own Past Monarch Ivan Lugo was awarded the Illinois State Grotto Association Mason of the year award. The award was presented by the newly elected Grand Master Of Illinois Tony Cracco.
Jack Heinz Memorial Pig Roast 2015
On July 26th the members of EL JAALA GROTTO hosted their annual ” Jack Heinz Memorial Pig Roast” at the LaGrange Masonic Children’s Home. This pig roast is open to members of our great fraternity, their family & friends. Once again our Pig Roast was a great success. Thanks to all who participated.
Join the Prophets of
as we assist in the “SPECIAL SMILES”
program at the Chicago Special Olympics
on Wednesday, May 6th from 9:00 AM til 1:00 PM
at Eckersall Stadium, 2423 E. 82nd St. (at Yates)
Once again we will be handing out “goody” bags to the athletes
while we register them for their free dental screenings.
Be a Volunteer…Make a Difference!
To be a part of this fun and worthwhile activity contact
Past Monarch John Eichler,
Chairman, “Special Smiles” Committee
at 312-399-1577
Prophets Volunteering at this event are encouraged to wear their
El Jaala Grotto shirts, jackets and Fezzes.