Daughters of Mokanna #104


Our ladies started the El Jaala Daughters of Mokanna in 2000. They meet on the THIRD THURSDAY of each month, 7pm at the Skokie Masonic Center and hold numerous social and charitable events.

The Daughters of Mokanna of El Jaala #104 is social organization for women and is associated with the Grottoes of North America. The membership is comprised of wives, widows, and other relatives of the Veiled Prophet of the M.O.V.P.E.R, or that of a brother that is in good standing with a recognized Masonic Lodge AF & AM (F&AM).

Daughters of Mokanna El Jaala #104 objectives are both social and philanthropic.

The major humanitarian work is for the aide and assistance of children with Cerebral Palsy, or kids with special needs. This is supported by purchasing Enchanted Lanterns through the Supreme Council and M.O.V.P.E.R Humanitarian Foundation

Daughters of Mokanna, were granted permission to promote and diffuse among its members sociability, friendship, charity, education and patriotism.

As Daughters of Mokanna our mission is aimed to assist and cooperate with the members of the Grotto, to bring families into closer fellowship, to aid and comfort each other and to provide teachings lessons of truth, integrity and principles, as well as enjoy some innocent fun and light entertainment that will help us all forget the troubles and worries of everyday life..

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the Officers 

Mighty Chosen Once – 
Lalla – 
Yusuf – 
Namorna – 
Zulette – 
Rodeval – 
Zulaika – 
Istha – 
Morgianna – 
Zeldina – 
Arrah – 
Directress – 
Marshall – 
American Flag Bearer – 

Canadian Flag Bearer-

*****General Information*********
Daughters Of Mokanna #104
Meets every 3rd Thursday of the Month
at 7:00 p.m. 
Location: 5405 Lincoln Ave, Skokie, IL 60077

Email Us: daughtersofmokanna@gmail.com